Greetings lovely readers,
My publicist / spankin' hot table-girl "
Bookseller Chick," has directed me to remind you all that there will be a Skidmore Bluffs table at the
Stumptown Comic Festival this weekend. There will also be more than a hundred other fantastic tables there. You should all come down and support your local comic creators. (especially me)
I'll have several brand-new 1" pinback buttons, prints of some of the more popular comics, and free hugs for anyone who asks! (I don't know where the free hugs thing came from, I'm delerious.)
G. Xavier Robillard will be sharing a table with me. He's the author of
Captain Freedom : A superhero's quest for truth, justice, and the celebrity he so richly deserves. (Harper Collins) and he'll be giving away copies of his book if you can answer some fiendishly tricky trivia questions.
See you there!